Alexa, what is square root of 12547858?
Within some nanoseconds, Alexa gives you the answer to it. That's how convenient technology has made things for us! How cool would it be if Alexa could get some help with the usage of parameters or commands while scripting?
Well, we don't have Alexa to your rescue yet, but do have a cool help functionality that could save you time and effort of pulling out a reference manual and looking through it for usage of a particular command or parameter.
Starting from the LIBERATE 18.1 base release, you can choose out of the following two easy ways to extract and view in Cadence Help the latest, well-formatted help content for various supported commands and parameters of the Cadence® LiberateTM Characterization Portfolio tools:
- Using the -help option with the tool's executable from the UNIX command prompt
- Using the help command from the tool's command prompt
Also, if you don’t remember a command or parameter name and want to use keywords to find relevant content in the LIBERATE documentation set, you can do just that using the -searchdoc option. Use this option with the help command on the tool's command prompt or use it with the tool's executable. The search results matching the specified keyword(s) get listed in Cadence Help and bring you a step closer to the topic of interest.
I'm sure these enhancements will simplify the route to getting tool-specific help content.
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Related Resources
Liberate Characterization Portfolio product manuals
Jommy Thomas